Quick. What does “sustainability” mean? What does it mean to you? Ever wondered? What does it mean to your family and friends? Ever asked?
Go ahead, Google “sustainability”. When I did, the result informed me that I had 95,500,000 selections to choose from!
What about trying to visualize “sustainability”? What did you come up with? Well, if you found it a bit challenging to do so, then for inspiration, you might want to check out the incredible collection of how others have tried that was compiled by the folks at Computing Sustainability.
Defining “sustainability” is one tough assignment, and then making that definition personal and meaningful to your everyday life is a whole other task. But a very, very important, even critical, one. I’ll let the title of Bill McKibben’s latest book sum up what such is so: “eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet”.
So, we at Net Impact DFW got to thinking about what we could do to help move the very important concept of sustainability beyond universities, think tanks, niche conferences and websites, blogs, etc., and into the open of The Commons of Everyday Life. We thought that it would do better with more sunlight and air and accessibility and interaction.
And, we thought that if we could help take down the ivory walls and help people better connect the dots that comprise this truly holistic, 360-degree concept, understand why it really is important to them, and also offer simple steps that they could take every day toward a more sustainable lifestyle, then perhaps it would help encourage and facilitate the change and innovation we must achieve together to live in balance – sooner, rather than later – with our Planet Eaarth.
That’s the back story and BIG WHY? for sustainability + me! – simple steps to positive impact for people + planet, which will be launched on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at KERA!
We are so excited to have such a wonderful line-up of speakers/story-sharers for our very first s+me! You can get more information about them here:
And, we are very excited that we have almost 40 Community Sponsors who have partnered with Net Impact DFW to launch s+me! One of our goals for this event is to turn the spotlight on the growing community of local businesses, organizations and universities that are working diligently to help create a local, sustainability-minded culture, and to provide services, resources and education to those who want to be engage, become part of it, and help it grow! Check out more about our Community Sponsors here:
We also have to say a BIG THANK YOU! to VeeV, who will help us celebrate and toast the very first s+me! in a very fine and delicious fashion!
I also want to express my deep appreciation, in particular, to Mitch Fine, our Programs Chair, and Anna Clark, our Engagement Chair, for working with me to help make this vision a reality!
Doors open at 1:30 p.m. The stories and simple-steps sharing starts at 2 p.m. We will celebrate the day with VeeV from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Check back soon for an exact schedule.
So, what are you waiting for? Things are already buzzing and folks are signing up, and you can register/RSVP, too, by clicking here.
And just think, by the end of the first sustainability + me!, you will be able to define sustainability – your way – and you will have all kinds of steps you can begin to take right then to start on your own path to living in balance with Planet eearth. You also will be able to help get your family and friends started, too!
Thanks again SO much to our Speakers, Community Sponsors and VeeV for believing in and sharing our mission, and helping us to launch sustainability + me! – simple steps to positive impact for people + planet!
Here we go! Come join us!
Kim (Young)
President, Net Impact DFW